Super Market GALAXIAS Ag. Theodoroi Category
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Location: Agioi Theodoroi, Attiki
Timeframe: 2012
Employer: PENTE S.A.

A modern Super Market where all energy standards mentioned in TOTEE 20701 have been closely followed and that is classified as Energy Class B.

All electromechanical installations in the Super Market have been designed by our company and we have also constructed the air conditioning and fire fighting installation described below.

Air conditioning uses split air to air heat pumps by DAIKIN, of high energy class A.
Aeration and ventilation in the store uses high energy class fans, with an air to air heat exchanger with a 65% return.
DEI supplies electrical power to the building using low voltage No6. All light bulbs used are fluorescent and of low energy consumption, like all engines in the store.
The building is fully insulated on all surrounding walls and windows, as well as the roof.

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